Rise and Fall of Urban Fiction: From Street Corners to Mainstream Publishing by AL-Saadiq Banks — independent publishing advice

Rise and Fall of Urban Fiction: From Street Corners to Mainstream Publishing by AL-Saadiq Banks

independent publishing independent publishing advice self publishing urban fiction

Rise and Fall of Urban Fiction: From Street Corners to Mainstream Publishing by AL-Saadiq Banks

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a literary revolution was underway in the most unlikely of places - urban America. Young girls and boys across the country, from buses and trains to park benches and beauty parlors, and barbershops were engrossed in reading urban fiction. These books featured provocative cover images and stories that shocked or intrigued onlookers, often delving into the gritty realities of life in urban neighborhoods. This marked the boom of urban fiction, a genre that resonated with readers like never before. The Birth of Urban Fiction Urban fiction was born from the experiences of its...

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