Building Your Author Career Organically: The Value of Loyal Readers — book consulting

Building Your Author Career Organically: The Value of Loyal Readers by AL-Saadiq Banks

book consulting independent publishing independent publishing advice self publishing tips for self published authors

Building Your Author Career Organically: The Value of Loyal Readers by AL-Saadiq Banks

In today's digital age, the power of the internet allows authors to potentially reach thousands, even millions, with a single click. It's an era where authors can become overnight sensations, but it's also an era where the same internet can bury them just as swiftly. While the allure of instant fame is tempting, many authors forget the timeless value of building their careers organically. Gone are the days of traditional book signing events and face-to-face interactions, it seems. Yet, there's something truly special about an author placing their book into a reader's hands and observing the reader's journey from cover...

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